A hearty winter soup: Lentil, Sweet Potato and Cavolo Nero

A hearty winter soup: Lentil, Sweet Potato and Cavolo Nero


Ingredients for 4 people

3 French Shallots or 1 medium sized brown onion, chopped up

3 tablespoons of Extra-virgin Olive oil

1 medium sweet potato, chopped, skin on (well washed!)

1 chunk of smoked pancetta, ham hock or speck (or chorizo)

2 cups of vegetable stock

1 cup of puy lentils

2-4 leaves of cavolo nero or kale, chopped up,  stalked removed

Parsley, chillie oil or chillie, lemon zest to serve

How to

1. Stir-fry  the shallots in a medium saucepan with 3-4 tablespoon of extra-virgin little olive oil. Add the chopped up sweet potatoes (skin on, thoroughly washed) and the smoked pancetta, or smocked ham hock. Stir-fry together with the onion for a few minutes, add the lentils, the  stock  and enough water to cover the vegetables. Simmer on medium-low heat for 35-40 minutes or until the sweet potato is soft and the lentils are cooked.

2. Add a couple of shredded cavolo nero* leaves (stalk removed) and let the residual heat wilt it.

3. Serve in a bowl drizzled with chillie oil or chopped up chillies, parsley leaves and finely grated lemon zest, if you like a bit of kick.

Curl up on the couch with a blanket, your favourite book or your favourite person…

* Cavolo nero is an Italian dark-green cabbage. You can substitute it with kale.

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