Milan City Tour Day & Night Life – Italy

Milan City Tour Day & Night Life – Italy

The city of Milan, Italy’s financial and fashion hub and probably its most dynamic city.

The tour includes the following sights: Piazza Duomo, Corso Vittorio Emanuele, San Babila, Teatro La Scala, Castello Sforzesco, Parco Sempione, Arco Della Pace, Via Dante, Piazza Mercanti, Brera, Piazza Cordusio, Piazza XXIV Maggio, Piazza Diaz, Corso di Porta Ticinese, Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II.

While Rome is Italy’s political capital, Milan is the country’s economic and financial heart.  The province of Milan is home to about 45% of businesses in the Lombardy region and more than 8 percent of all businesses in Italy, including three Fortune 500 companies.  Milan is home to a large number of media and advertising agencies, national newspapers and telecommunication companies, including both the public service broadcaster RAI and private television companies like Mediaset, Telecom Italia Media and Sky Italia. In addition, it has also seen a rapid increase in internet companies with both domestic and international companies such as Altervista, Google, Lycos, Virgilio and Yahoo! establishing their Italian operations in the city. Milan is a major world fashion center, where the sector can count on 12,000 companies, 800 show rooms, and 6,000 sales outlets (with brands such as Armani, Versace and Valentino), while four weeks a year are dedicated to top shows and other fashion events.  The city is also an important manufacturing center, especially for the automotive industry, with companies such as Alfa Romeo and Pirelli having a significant presence in the city. Other important products made in Milan include chemicals, machinery, pharmaceuticals and plastics.  Wikipedia

Hope you enjoy!

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