Italian Velvety cannellini and mussels recipe

Italian Velvety cannellini and mussels recipe


250 g of beans
1 leek
1 stalk of celery
½ cup extra virgin olive oil plus two tablespoons
1 piece of chili
1kg and half of mussels
1 bunch of parsley
a clove of garlic
a splash of white wine


In a pot of cold water cook the beans previously soaked overnight .

Simmer  two tablespoons of olive oil, leek and celery diced .  Add the beans with a little of cooking water ( set aside the rest of water)

In a large frying pan put a tablespoon of olive oil and a clove of garlic , a bit of fresh chilli ( no seeds ), and then open the mussels previously well washed . Sprinkle with a dash of white wine and let evaporate . Do not put salt , mussels are salty on its own.

Remove the mussels  and keep them warm , keep  cooking the liquid , which will add to the beans .

With a blender puree the beans until soft and creamy but not liquid , if needed , add some of with the cooking water kept aside .

Blend parsley with olive oil , pass through a sieve .

Placed the cream on plates , spread over the mussels and garnish with the parsley oil . Serve hot.