Egg-Filled Ravioli Uova da Raviolo

Egg-Filled Ravioli Uova da Raviolo


  • 1/2 recipe of Pasta Dough — recipe to be found below

  • 1 dozen eggs

  • 1 bunch Swiss chard, leaves only, chopped

  • 2 tbsp butter

  • ricotta cheese

  • Pecorino Romano cheese, grated

  • ground nutmeg, to taste

  • Salt & pepper

  • butter


Prepare pasta dough, set aside to rest, and make the filling.

to make the filling

  1. Melt 2 tbsp of butter in a sauté pan over med-high heat. Add the Swiss chard, season with nutmeg, salt, pepper, and sauté until cooked. Allow to cool, place in a clean kitchen towel, and wring out as much liquid as possible. Set aside.

  2. To your food processor, add the cooked chard, ricotta cheese, and a handful of Pecorino Romano cheese. Process until smooth. Set aside.


Pasta Dough Recipe

makes about 1.5 lbs

total time: approx. 45 minutes (includes 30 minutes rest)


  • 2 3/4 to 3 cups all-purpose flour

  • 4 whole large eggs + enough water to equal 1 cup of liquid. Egg should be allowed to sit on a counter for about 30 minutes before use.


  1. Place all ingredients in food processor and mix until a ball of dough forms, about 30 seconds. Place dough on floured work surface.

  2. Dough should not be stick to your fingers but should be moist enough to form a cohesive ball.

  3. Begin kneading the dough, adding flour or water, in small amounts, as required. Knead until a smooth dough is achieved, at least 5 minutes. The longer you knead the dough, the better the pasta’s texture will be.

  4. Cover with plastic wrap and set aside for at least 15 minutes or up to an hour. If dough is to be rested longer than an hour, place it in the refrigerator. When removed from the refrigerator, temper the dough by leaving it on a counter for 30 minutes before using.

to make the ravioli

  1. Place a strip of thinly rolled dough on a lightly floured work surface. The pasta should be rolled very thin. The thicker the pasta, the longer it will take to cook the ravioli and you’ll run the risk of over-cooking the eggs. The yolks should be runny and not at all hard.

  2. Most machines create strips that are 6 inches wide. Place a tbsp of filling, at about 3 inch intervals, in a straight line about 2 inches from the strip’s edge.

  3. Use a spoon to indent each tbsp of filling, creating a nest.

  4. Carefully break each egg, separate the yolk, and place one yolk in each filling nest.

  5. Use a pastry brush to lightly moisten the opposing side of the pasta strip.

  6. Carefully cover the nests with the moistened side of the pasta strip. Use a glass or biscuit cutter to seal and cut each raviolo.

  7. If air is trapped in a raviolo, use a toothpick to pierce the underside, being careful not to damage the enclosed yolk. Gently squeeze the trapped air out of the raviolo.

  8. Place ravioli on a lightly floured, wax paper covered baking sheet. Cover the ravioli with a clean kitchen towel. Ravioli should be cooked as soon as possible. Keep refrigerated until ready for use.

to cook and serve

  1. Bring a large pot of salted water to the boil over high heat.

  2. Add the ravioli and when the boil returns, lower the heat and gently cook the ravioli for about 2 minutes.

  3. Meanwhile, melt a few tbsp of butter in a sauté pan over medium heat.

  4. Use a spider strainer to remove the ravioli, placing them in the sauté pan with the melted butter.

  5. Gently toss the ravioli until all are well-coated with butter.

  6. Serve immediately, garnished with a sprinkling of Pecorino Romano cheese.