Grouper with Tomato and Basil in a Foil Packet

Grouper with Tomato and Basil in a Foil Packet


  1. Preheat oven to 400°

  2. Lightly coat tomato halves with olive oil and season liberally with Fisherman’s Wharf Seasoning Blend. Set aside.

  3. Rinse fish filets and pat dry with paper towels. Lightly coat each filet with olive oil and season liberally with Fisherman’s Wharf Blend.

  4. Place each filet on one aluminum foil sheet and cover with prepared tomatoes. Fold foil around the ingredients and seal into a packet to trap in steam.

  5. Place packets on a baking sheet. Place sheet in a 400° oven and bake for 10 minutes.

  6. Remove sheet from the oven and very carefully open packets to check for doneness. Tomato skins should be withered and wrinkly. Fish should be opaque and flake easily when tested with a fork. If the fish is not quite done, seal packets again and place them back into the oven for 3-5 more minutes. Do not overcook.

  7. When the fish is done, open packets and add prepared basil leaves and olives to taste. Transfer to a plate or serve directly in foil packet.