Italian Grilled Eggplant (Aubergine) Recipe

Italian Grilled Eggplant (Aubergine) Recipe


  • 2 x large eggplant
  • A bunch of mixed Mediterranean salad (of your choice)
  • A handful of fresh parsley (chopped)
  • 2 x pinches of table salt
  • Extra virgin olive oil


  • 1 x grilling pan
  • 1 x set of tongs
  • 1 x knife
  • 1 x chopping board
  • 1 x small mixing bowl
  • 1 x glass


  1. Cut the top and bottom of the eggplant
  2. Cut the eggplant lengthways down the middle
  3. Heat the grilling pan for around 2 minutes (medium heat).
  4. Place one half of the eggplant facing down on a chopping board and make slices about 1cm apart.
  5. Slice the skin off each end piece because it can be tough and hard to grill.
  6. Place the strips of grilled eggplant on the grill and sprinkle a small pinch of salt over the top to help the excess water come out.
  7. After a few minutes, using your tongs, pick up one of the strips and check the bottom. If it has started to brown and it has lines on it, you can turn it to the other side and do the same for all of them.
  8. Turn each slice a couple more times until they become lightly golden and brown.
  9. Remove the grill from the stove and place the strips of eggplant on to a chopping board.


  1. Cut the slices of grilled eggplant in half and let them rest.
  2. Using your hands, pick up the salad and place it into one of your palms.
  3. Put the ball of rocket or baby spinach on to a flat white plate or an antipasto style serving board. Drizzle some extra virgin olive oil over the top.
  4. Lean each of the pieces of grilled eggplant on the salad all the way around the sides.
  5. Each piece can overlap a little bit.
  6. Add 3 x tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil to ¼ glass of balsamic vinegar and mix it with a spoon.
  7. Drizzle the mix over the top of the grilled eggplant, making sure you wet most of it so it will soak through….yum!
  8. If you want to, you can also sprinkle the chopped parsley over the top.