Celebrating Cicoria – Dandelion Greens – Italian Cook Dani Spies

Celebrating Dandelion Greens – Italian Cook Dani Spies

When I was a kid my grandmother, Nonna Madalena would take me across the street from our home, into a very large open field to pick Cicorie (dandelions). We would use a small paring knife and cut them off at the root. Loading them into a dozen or so shopping bags we would take them home and clean them in the back yard.

They were bitter if we harvested them in the summer or after they flowered but in the spring when they were fresh out of the ground they were delicious in a salad.

Full of nutrients Dandelions in our family were considered what would be termed today as being a “Super Food”. Isn’t it interesting that in America we kill these “weeds” only to cultivate our lawns that look good but do nothing for our health.

Take a look at this video it is the best one so far that we have found in discussing the benefits of and the preparation of Dandelions.

Isn’t it wonderful that all over the world….

Everybody Loves Italian


Celebrating Dandelion Greens 

Watch the video below