Grilled chicken breast (Petto di pollo grigliato)

Grilled chicken breast (Petto di pollo grigliato)


  • 2 chicken breasts Boneless

  • 2 tablespoons extravirgin olive oil

  • salt and pepper

  • a stick of fresh rosemary

  • 1 garlic clove

  • half a lemon


  1. Slice each chicken breasts in 3 thin slices.

  2. Pound the slices with a meat pounder to make them thin and tender.

  3. Cook the chicken on a simple grille or even a non-stick pan.

  4. Do not use any fat or oil to grease the pan, just rub the garlic clove on the whole pan few times to give a light garlic smell.

  5. Season with the extravirgin olive oil, add salt and freshly grated pepper if you like then some rosemary needles and a squeeze of lemon juice.

  6. Serve warm with plain fresh salad or with stirfried spinach.