Italian breakfast (dunking) cookies!

Italian breakfast (dunking) cookies!

INGREDIENTS, makes 10-12

200 g (1-1/2 cups) self-raising flour

100 g caster sugar

1 egg

seeds of 1 vanilla bean or teaspoon of vanilla paste

3 tablespoons vegetable oil (or olive oil)

85 g thick Greek yoghurt

finely grated zest of 1 lemon or 🍊


Preheat your oven to 180C and line an oven tray with baking paper. Place all the ingredients in a food processor fitted with a blade.

Mix for 15–20 seconds or until a sticky dough forms.
Using floured hands lift the dough out of the bowl.
Of course you can do this by hand as well, mixing sugar, egg and olive oil, then adding the remaining ingredients to create the dough.
Divide the dough into 10-12 portions then, using your hands, roll it into little
sausages, about 5 x 1 cm. It’s a very sticky mixture, so have a little water bowl handy to dip your fingers in, makes the shaping easier. Place them on the prepared tray, leaving plenty of
room for spreading, and bake for 16-18 minutes or until cooked through and
lightly golden on top. Cool on the tray for a few minutes, then transfer to a
wire rack to cool completely. Serve lightly dusted with icing sugar, if like


(Recipe from my book Love, laugh, bake!)
Ready in under 20 minutes! #italianbreakfast