In the lighting of candles we remember and truly live the words of Our Lord: “I am the Light of the World.” In the lighting of candles we not only pray, but our prayers become smaller symbols of the One Light of Christ. In burning candles, our prayers rise up to Heaven day and night
click here to light a Candle
To get better
My daughter Rachel
That we may reunited after being estranged for 15 years
my Mom & Dad & sisters brothers
May they all rest in Peace,I miss them & think of them everyday…
Dom DiCara
My father may he rest in peace
Alfred Lawrence Cipriani
May the Perpetual Light shine upon you. Rest in Peace. Amen
Mom and dad
For peace and tranquillity forever and ever.
My husband
Be at peace… more pain.
Please help Brooke. Make her well again.
Please help this child get healthy.
My mom
God help her in her current state.