In the lighting of candles we remember and truly live the words of Our Lord: “I am the Light of the World.” In the lighting of candles we not only pray, but our prayers become smaller symbols of the One Light of Christ. In burning candles, our prayers rise up to Heaven day and night
click here to light a Candle
Aunt Angie Baldi/ DiChristpher
In honor for my aunt Angie who just went home to the Lord. She was the sweetest lady I have ever known whom loved the Lord. May she Rest In Peace.
Bob, Dave and. Rose
Bob & Dave RIP. I miss you both very much. Rose ( myself )to heal and be healthy again soon.
The Kaufman/Wisneski families
Please Dear Jesus, bless this family and help them through this very difficult time….
Sal Comado
Comfort for him with the loss of his wife Dagnijia of 52 years
Nancy antonio
For my sister
Mom pop sister
Their all angels and bless me being around my brother my daughter and my granddaughters
Mom & Dad
Missing you both so much but I know your happy that your together again. I will see you again some day. Luv ya <3
My dear sweet husband Ed
Rest in Peace Honey. Missing you so much bet happy that you are no longer in pain and that you are happy in heaven with all your relatives. I will see you again some day. Luv ya <3