Puttanesca Best Recipe

Puttanesca Best Recipe


Today we propose a simple and tasty and easy pasta recipe: “Pasta alla puttanesca”. Cherry tomatoes, Italian pasta, olives, oregano and… love for food!


  • 14 oz spaghetti/penne

  • 1 garlic clove

  • 18 oz cherry tomatoes

  • 3 tbs pickled capers

  • 6 oz mix pitted olives

  • 10 anchovies in oil

  • 1 spicy chili

  • Oregano to taste

  • 4 tbs extra virgin olive oil

  • Salt and pepper to taste


4 servings


5 min.


20 min.


25 min.

Today we propose a tasty and easy pasta recipe: “Pasta alla puttanesca”.  To prepare the puttanesca sauce recipe you will need some high quality ingredients: the recipe is very simple and using genuine ingredient can transform and exalt the flavor of this Italian pasta recipe.

This dish come from the traditional Neapolitan cuisine, but the puttanesca origin is not easily detectable. There are different versions of this story: a brothel owner who entertained his guests with this pasta recipe, a coquette, an architect with a real passion for good food… It also seems that the recipe already existed under a different name: marinara.

To prepare the Pasta alla puttanesca you can use spaghetti, linguine, but also penne and mezzepenne.


  • In a large bowl boil salted water.

  • Simmer the pasta following the cooking time written in the package.

  • Meanwhile, put the oil in a pan, add a whole garlic clove, anchovies and the chily. Cook for few minutes.

  • Clean and cut in half the cherry tomatoes, put them in the pan with the capers. If the sauce is too dry, add a ladle of pasta cooking water.

  • Add the olives, oregano and salt.

  • Drain the pasta and pour it into the pan with the puttanesca sauce. Cook over high heat for 1 minute and remove the garlic clove.

  • Before serving add a drizzle of raw oil and some freshly grated pepper or chilly oil.

Cooking tips
You can substitute fresh cherry tomatoes with an organic tomato puree.

Foto Cutting Olive by Lenore Edman CC 2.0