Sauteed clams ( Sautè di vongole)

Sauteed clams ( Sautè di vongole)


For 2 -3 serves

  • 2 1/4 fresh clams (24)

  • 1 garlic clove

  • white dry wine

  • extra-virgin olive oil

  • fresh washed and chopped parsley

  • 2-3 bread slices, grilled as you do with bruschetta bread


  1. Clams must rest in a big bowl filled with cold water and stored in a dark place for few hours to purge the sand: if there’s a lot of sand change water once or twice.

  2. After this time put them in a large pan under high fire: it will make them open, dump the ones that remain close, it means they were already dead and then not fresh ( it happens, even if you have the most fresh clams you can reach you always have to throw away some).

  3. In another large pan stir fry garlic with a generous pour of oil, add a little wine, let it evaporate then add 2 spoons of chopped parsley and the juice that came out of the clams filtered with a fine strain (this juice is quite salty, so don’t add too much if you have a lot and don’t add salt).

  4. Add the clams too and let it sautee for 3-4 minutes.

  5. Put in a soup plate a grilled bread slice then cover with clams and their juice. Serve hot or warm.