Chicory, Pecorino and Egg Soup

Chicory, Pecorino and Egg Soup



1 lb green chicory
1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil
1 qt chicken broth
2 onions
3 eggs
4 tbs grated Pecorino cheese
1 lb spaghetti


Green chicory has a fairly bitter taste, so wash it well and leave it to stand in cool water for one hour: it will lose some of its bitterness.

Break the spaghetti in 2 inch pieces and cook.

Boil and chop the chicory, squeezing all the water out, and set aside.

Cut the onions into julienne and sauté with olive oil. When tender, not brown, add the chicory and mix well.

Add the beaten eggs which have been previously mixed with the Pecorino cheese, sauté briskly and place into a pre-heated, large soup tureen.

Pour the piping hot broth over spaghetti, stir well and serve.