Frank Granieri – Remember When…?
Frank Granieri
Remember When…?
Frank’s Thought on Growin’ Up Italian
Now that I am older and I can look back over 50 years of adult hood and comment. I thought it would be fun to “Remember When”.

Well, back in the day a lot of things were different and in many ways they were better. I don’t wish to be unrealistic and pretend everything was superior to things today. But I can recall a lot that we could revisit in order to gain some perspective on what might make life a little easier, with a little less drama.

Remember when TV was ok for children to watch without worry about conveying a bad message?
Remember when the amount of violence was controlled on TV and fowl language was not tolerated?

Remember when TV shows usually had a moral attached to the story line. Good vs Evil or kindness over cruelty…?
Remember when the Christmas shows were wholesome and heartwarming? And the stores in town used to decorate beautifully with real attention to detail.

Remember when sometimes in the summer you would just go for a ride in the car with your parents? Often you would’t be going anywhere special you would just go for a ride in the car.
Remember when kids would actually play baseball in a field without any organization? Pick up games were the norm.

Remember when kids went fishing with other kids? Fishing rod over the shoulder, down to the pond or stream instead of sitting for hours in front of video games.
I just think it is a good thing to remember when things were different and in many ways more innocent. Something about those times is refreshing to think about.
Watch Frank’s video below and see if you agree with any of his Remember whens…?
Frank’s Video Below
Thoughts on Growin’ Up Italian
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