Italian lasagna with mushrooms recipe

Italian lasagna with mushrooms recipe

Make sure you have at hand: 

400 grams of wheat flour 
4 large eggs 
salt q.b. 
350 grams of mushrooms 
500 grams of sauce 
150 grams of cooked ham 
Parmesan q.b. 


So, first you have the flour on a wooden board for the processing of pasta (your grandmothers or mothers they had to secure one!) And form a well in the center of the flour itself. Break the eggs into the fountain at a time and beat with a fork as if you were making an omelette. I recommend the eggs had to be kept at room temperature and not in the fridge! Begin to gradually work the flour with the beaten eggs, mixing outside to inside the compound, and add a teaspoon of salt, until you get a smooth dough without lumps. Once ready the dough, form a ball with the dough and wrap in plastic wrap to let it rest for an hour in a cool, dry place. Past the hour, take the dough and deprive it of the film, spread a thin layer of flour on the table previously used after cleaning, and before starting to flatten it with your hands and then with a rolling pin. If you need to cut it into slices thick enough before the stretch. Knead the dough with a rolling pin until the pastry very thin, about 2-3 mm thick and, when ready, cut into rectangles or squares fit you prefer. 

Once ready the sheets for lasagna, clean the mushrooms and let them cook for about ten minutes with the oil in a pan, add salt and being careful not to burn them. Cut the slices of mozzarella kitchen (that which does not leave the water to not ruin the dish!) Or smoked cheese and leave them in a dish. If you prefer, cut even strips of ham in another dish, add them to the lasagna. 

When all the ingredients are ready to take a baking pan with high sides and have first of all a layer of sauce in the same, using a spoon (used in the dough does not stick to the pan), then apply a layer of dough and place on it the mushrooms and slices of mozzarella, which, if you prefer, to enrich the dish, you can add the strips of ham. Positioning, then another layer of pasta and then a layer of sauce and even mushrooms, mozzarella and ham. 

Eventually you will have three layers of ingredients and four layers of pasta. On the last layer of sauce and then roll out the other a layer of Parmesan cheese and bake for 40 minutes in the preheated oven at 180 degrees ..