Sciusceddu (Italian Meatball and Egg Soup)

Sciusceddu (Italian Meatball and Egg Soup)

Sciusceddu  is a dish that comes from the city of Messina in Sicily, where it is traditionally served at Easter.


  1. 4 cups meat broth
  2. 7 oz veal meat , chopped
  3. 2 oz breadcrumbs
  4. 3 ½ oz caciocavallo cheese , grated
  5. 3 eggs
  6. 3 ½ oz ricotta cheese
  7. parsley , chopped
  8. salt and pepper


  1. Make a mixture of minced meat, one egg, breadcrumbs, half of the grated Caciocavallo cheese (or Parmesan), chopped parsley and a little water; then form meatballs about the size of a small egg.
  2. In another bowl, beat the eggs with the Ricotta cheese , the remaining Caciocavallo cheese and a dash of salt and pepper.
    Bring the broth to the boil and dump the meatballs in.
  3. Cook for about twenty minutes, then add the egg mixture, stirring vigorously for a few moments. Remove from heat and serve