Soft Orange Cake with Organic Citrus Jam

Soft Orange Cake with Organic Citrus Jam

An orange cake recipe with organic citrus jam and orange honey. Prepare this cake for a sweet start or for a delicious snack.


  • 3 eggs
  • 4.5 oz seed oil
  • 1 tbs orange honey
  • 4.5 oz unfiltered orange juice
  • 2 small oranges zest
  • a pinch of salt
  • 9 oz 00 flour
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 6 oz sugar
  • 9 oz citrus jam
  • Icing sugar

6 servings


10 min.


45 min.


55 min.

What’s better than a soft orange cake to make your breakfast sweet? This cake can be the perfect start with a coffee, an excellent snack paired with a good tea in the afternoon, or a refined dessert after dinner served with a passito wine.

The orange cake filling is made with organic citrus jam. Normally you can use milk in your cake: instead, if you use fresh orange juice your cake will spread a sweet orange smell in your kitchen and your cake will be suitable to those who are intolerant to lactose.

Create you orange cake decorations for a final touch. The most used one is icing sugar, but you can also add decorations like thin orange slices on the top.

For an excellent and complete dessert, serve this cake with vanilla ice cream.


  • Zest the oranges and set aside.
  • In a bowl beat the eggs with the sugar until the mixture becomes foamy and frothy.
  • While mixing, add oil, honey, orange juice, orange zest, salt and flour, finally add the yeast.
  • Pour the dough in a greased and floured round cake pan.
  • Bake in preheated oven at 325 F degrees for 40-45 minutes. To check if the cake is ready, use the toothpick test: place the toothpick in the center of the cake: if it comes out clean and dry the cake is ready.
  • Cover with aluminum foil and leave the cake in the oven (off) for a few minutes.
  • Let it cool overnight. The day after you can cut the cake horizontally into two layers.
  • Spread the first layer with the jam, cover with the other layer and sprinkle with icing sugar.

Cooking tips
You can make two or three layers, depending on the height of your baking pan. We used a 8-inch cake pan.