Dark Chocolate Fig Cake

Dark Chocolate Fig Cake

Makes: one 9 inch cake

Prep: 25 minutes

Cook: about 50-55 minutes


1 1/2 Sticks Butter – cut into pieces

8 oz. Good Dark Chocolate – in pieces

6 Large Eggs – beaten

1 1/2 C. Sugar

1 C. Ground Almonds (food processor is good for this)

1 C. Flour

2 Tbsp. Cocoa powder

2 Tsp. Baking Powder

Pinch of Salt

2 C. Ripe Fresh Figs – chopped coarsely


Grease and flour a 9 inch spring form pan.

Place the butter and chocolate in a double boiler or in a bowl if using the microwave – and melt together. Mix and set aside to cool.

Beat the eggs and add sugar  – incorporate well.

Mix the eggs and sugar together with the cooled chocolate and butter.

Measure the dry ingredients (almonds, flour, cocoa, baking powder, and salt) and add together in a bowl – mix.

Add the dry ingredients to the chocolate mixture.

Chop the figs.

Add them to the batter and mix well.

Then pour the batter into the prepared pan.

Bake at 350 degrees for about 50-55 minutes – or until top is set and cake is firm to the touch. Do not overcook! The center should still be moist and fudgy, slightly under done– not dry. Do not bake the cake until an inserted knife or toothpick comes out clean. The cake will be too dry.

Cool and remove side of spring form.

Dust with powdered sugar.

This cake is best served after several hours of cooling.