Everybody Loves Raymond – Best “Frank” Moments – Part 1 – VERY FUNNY
Everybody Loves Raymond
Best “Frank” Moments
Part 1
Francis Oscar “Frank” Barone is the husband of Marie, the father of Ray and Robert , father-in-law to Debra and Amy , and the grandfather to Ally, Michael, and Geoffrey in Everybody Loves Raymond. He is a retired bookkeeper and a registered real estate agent. He was played by late veteran character actor Peter Boyle.

Frank was born in 1932. It was revealed in the episode “Boy’s Therapy ” that he was disciplined heavily as a child, mentioning that his father, Joseph Barone, “hit him every day”. Frank is a war veteran, having served in the US Army in the 1950-1953 Korean War, a fact that he constantly refers to throughout the series, recalling times of survival and how he came to be a “man”. He married Marie in 1957, shortly after she became pregnant with Robert. His youngest son, Raymond, was born in 1960.

Throughout the series, Frank is stubborn, overly masculine, and lazy. He is seen sitting quite comfortably with his pants undone in the black leather armchair in Ray and Debra’s sitting room, or else at home, sitting in the kitchen reading the paper, and ordering Marie to prepare his meals. He is a cantankerous and obnoxious man who has no problem with criticizing or openly insulting family members and strangers, in particular his wife, Marie. He calls men, particularly Ray and Robert, names like “Nancy”, “Shirley”, “Peaches”, and “Mary” as they do not live up to his standards of what it takes to be a man. It was also revealed that he ran over Robert’s toe with his car when the latter was only ten.

Frank is famous for his output of hilarious one-liners. His two primary catchphrases that were heard through all nine seasons were: “Holy crap” and “Geezaloo.”
From Wikipedia