Fried or Baked Cardone

Fried or Baked Cardone

by Mimi

Cardone (Cardoons) is in the family of Artichoke’s. Cardone is an Italian Favorite. My Mama Rosa use to make them all the time.

Fried or Baked Cardone


For 1 Person(s)

For the Cardoni:

  • Left side of Picture:
  • 1 stalk of fresh Cardone

  • 1 large egg

  • 1 c plain bread crumbs

  • 1/4 c grated cheese

  • 1 tablespoon fresh parsley

  • salt & pepper

  • Right side of Picture:

  • 1 stalk of fresh Cardone

  • 1 large egg

  • 1 cup flour, seasoned with salt & pepper

  • olive oil or spray oil on cooking sheet


  1. Clean Cardone, cut off base, tips and trim any leaves.

  2. Cut Cardone in 3-4″ lengths

  3. Wash Cardone in cold water.

  4. Place the clean and cut Cardone in a pot with water.

  5. Cook for about 15-20 mins or until tender.

  6. Drain and cool. If there are still some strings, take them off.

  7. Left side picture.

  8. In a bowl put in the bread crumbs, add the grated cheese, parsley, salt and pepper and mix.

  9. Beat raw egg in another bowl.

  10. Dip pieces of the cardone into the raw egg and then roll the cardone in the seasoned bread crumbs.

  11. Place them on a plate until all of them have been breaded.

  12. To fry them, add some olive oil to the frying pan, heat and add the cardone.

  13. Cook until tender and golden color.

  14. To Bake them, spray cookie sheet with Oil.

  15. Bake at 350F in oven until tender and golden color.

  16. – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

  17. Right side of picture.

  18. Beat one raw egg in a bowl.

  19. On a plate put some flour and season with salt & pepper.

  20. Take the cooked Cardone and dip them into the raw egg and then roll them in the flour and place them a on plate until you finish all of them.

  21. Now you are ready to either fry or bake them.

  22. Fry them in Olive oil until tender and golden color… Or, if you would rather bake them, spray cookie sheet with oil and place the cardone on them.

  23. Bake at 350F until tender and golden color.

  24. After the Cardone are cooked place them on a place and server them with the rest of your meal.