Gattafin (Puff chard)

Gattafin  (Puff chard)

Ingredients for 6 people:
 For the dough

Flour 500g

2 eggs

1 tablespoon of olive oil


For the filling

Chards 2 kg

5 eggs

4 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil

½ white onion, chopped

grated Parmesan cheese 120g

1 sprig of marjoram, chopped

olive oil (for frying)

salt, pepper.


On a pastry board, pour the flour, stir in the eggs, oil and salt and knead thoroughly until you have a smooth and firm amalgamation. Let stand covered with a clean cloth for about 1 hour.

Meanwhile, clean the chards, wash and boil them in plenty of boiling salted water; drain, squeeze and chop coarsely.

In a pan heat the oil, then saute the chopped onion and, when it becomes golden, add the chard. Stir often, drain excess oil and place them in a large bowl; add eggs, grated cheese, marjoram and finally season with salt and pepper.

Take the dough and roll out, with the aid of a rolling pin, a thin sheet. Arrange many mounds of filling on half of the dough, cover with another sheet and close edges cutting them with a cutting wheel.

This kind of ravioli is fried in a pan with hot oil and served hot, well drained and left to dry on a paper towel.