Jury Duty – Sebastian Maniscalco’s “What’s Wrong With People”

Jury Duty 

Sebastian Maniscalco

“What’s Wrong With People”


If you have even been to jury duty, this will crack you up.

You just have to love this guy. Everything he does is hysterical. From the airline skit to the home invasion thing. And how about the door bell ringing late at night? He is really something and a pleasure to watch and hear. Such a wonderful thing to be able to be entertained by such a class act as Sebastian… Good for Him! And Good for Us!

Hope you enjoy!


A bit of history on Sebastian

Sebastian Maniscalco

Distinguished by the New York Times as having his “own kind of panache,” Maniscalco is a success story resulting from years of hard work and a keen self-awareness of innate talent.

A natural-born storyteller, one constantly regaling his family with madcap tales at the dinner table, Maniscalco moved to Los Angeles in 1998 and began pounding the pavement on his comedic quest. The tireless worker first made his name at the city’s famed Comedy Store where he performed at every opportunity — even if that meant rushing over to the club on a break from his waiter job at the Four Seasons Hotel in Beverly Hills. “I felt if I missed an opportunity to be onstage, I missed an opportunity for somebody being in the audience and seeing me.”


Sebastian Maniscalco

His persistence paid off: then-massive comic Andrew Dice Clay saw him onstage one night and took a young Maniscalco out on the road with him. But not until Vince Vaughn enlisted him for his popular “Wild West Comedy Show” did his career begin to explode. Says Maniscalco: “From there things started to snowball.” 

Jury Duty 

Sebastian Maniscalco

“What’s Wrong With People”


Sebastian is refreshing in that most of his material is clean. Not normal in Today’s world. We love the guy. 

This is a very cute take on …. Jury Duty




Click below for the video

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