Messina-Style Lamb, a Sicilian Easter Recipe

Messina-Style Lamb, a Sicilian Easter Recipe

A delicious roast lamb with red wine, Pecorino cheese and black olives, a traditional Sicilian Easter recipe.

The “Agnello alla Messinese” is a Sicilian recipe and makes part of the traditional Easter Sicilian food. In the Christian tradition lamb is a symbolic animal that represents the sacrifice of Jesus.


YIELD 6-8 servings

PREP. TIME 20 min.

COOK TIME 60 min.

TOTAL TIME 80 min.

  • 35 oz lamb
  • 2 glass red wine
  • 5 oz black olives
  • 3.5 oz grated Pecorino
  • Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • Salt and pepper to taste


  1. Dice the lamb and season the pieces of meat with extra virgin olive oil, salt and pepper.
  2. Place the lamb together with the marinade in a baking pan.
  3. Add the red wine and sprinkle with grated Pecorino.
  4. Bake at low temperature for one hour.
  5. Turn the pieces upside down and add water to prevent them from drying too much and sticking on the bottom of the pan.
  6. Serve with fresh vegetables and roast potatoes.