Pasta with Bottarga, Zucchini and Leek

Pasta with Bottarga, Zucchini and Leek

Pasta with Bottarga, Zucchini and Leek

Fish roe: love it or hate it. And if you love it, this ingredient will allow you to make exceptional recipes in few minutes!

  • 15 oz of pasta (Calamarata, Paccheri or other type)
  • Bottarga
  • 1 leek
  • 1 zucchini
  • extra-virgin olive oil
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • sage
  • 1 organic lemon

4 servings


5 min.


15 min.


20 min.

It’s important to say that for this dish we are using the Calamarata, a special pasta type which strongly contributes to the success of the recipe. Yet, you can use other types of pasta too. The sauce is very simple and you can do it in a few minutes. The fish roe is the key ingredient in this dish, perfect for those days that you do not want to renounce to an inviting dinner but you don’t have much time to spend in the kitchen.


  • Heat up the water for the pasta and while waiting it reaches the boil, prepare the sauce.
  • Peel the zucchini and cut them into cubes. Now take the peel and cut into thin stips.
  • Put 4 tablespoons of extra virgin oilive oil on low heat and stir-fry a thinly sliced leek, a clove of peeled garlic and a leaf of fresh sage.
  • Then add the zucchini pulp and a pinch of salt. Cover and let simmer for five minutes.
  • Cut the zest of an organic lemon (a Sorrento lemon would be perfect) with a potato peeler, and chop it finely.
  • Cook the pasta into the boiling water and, when “al dente”, drain it.
  • Add the sauce to the pasta and leave it on heat for a minute. Remove from heat add the strips of zucchini zest that will get soft in a minute, without cooking.
  • Serve the pasta in pre-heated plates.
  • Sprinkle with some grated fish roe (Bottarga) and with the lemon zest.

Serving suggestions

Perfect with the Tuscan Ansolica wine.