Pumpkin Pie Recipe

Pumpkin Pie Recipe

For the pastry

  1. 10.5 oz flour

  2. 3.5 oz water

  3. 9 oz butter

For the filling

  1. 18 oz pumpking pulp, oven roasted

  2. 3.5 oz bacon in stripes

  3. 1 tabsp butter

  4. 5.6 oz cheese (taleggio, cheddar or other)

  5. 4 eggs

  6. 1 pinch nutmeg

  7. salt & pepper to taste


  1. Mix flour and soft butter till crumbly, add water and knead untill you have a soft dough.

  2. Cover in cling film and set in fridge for 30 minutes.

  3. Sautee pumpking pulp, mashed with a fork, with butter.

  4. Add nutmeg, cook for a couple of minute then add cheese in small dices.

  5. In another pan fry bacon, let it become gold but not too crunchy.

  6. Take bacon off its grease and cut in chunks.

  7. When pumpkin mix is warm add eggs, one at time.

  8. Taste and add salt and pepper to taste.

  9. Spread the pastry to cover a big round tin or 8 small cocottes.

  10. Pour in the filling, add some pastry decorations if you like then bake for about 25 min. at 356°F.

  11. This pie is great warm.


  1. Pastry dose is generous, it’s enough to cover a 11 inches diameter mould and make some decorations on top.

  2. If it’s too much you can freeze it.