Risotto with Butternut Squash and Sweet Gorgonzola Cheese

Risotto with Butternut Squash and Sweet Gorgonzola Cheese

The sweet taste of the butternut squash and the bitter flavor of Gorgonzola cheese and black pepper turn this dish absolutely balanced and perfect for refined tastes.


  • four ounces of butternut squash
  • a medium potato
  • a medium carrot
  • two medium-sized golden onions
  • two stalks of celery
  • 4 oz of rice for risotto per person
  • 8 oz of sweet and creamy Gorgonzola cheese
  • extra virgin olive oil
  • a bunch of parsley
  • a small glass of dry white wine
  • black pepper
  • a handful of Parmesan or Grana Padano
  • salt
  • pecanz (optional)

4 servings


20 min.


30 min.


50 min.

Risotto with Gorgonzola cheese is good. But risotto with Gorgonzola and butternut squash is excellent. Because there are some flavors that seem to exist to be paired with some others! In fact, the sweet taste of the butternut sqash and the bitter flavor of Gorgonzola cheese and black pepper turn this dish absolutely balanced and perfect for refined tastes.

This delicious risotto recipe is perfect to warm up the chill nights of fall. In fact, although butternut squash can be found in most grocery stores year-round, it can offer its sweetest flavor in late fall.


How to Make Butternut Squash Risotto with Gorgonzola

  • First of all, peel and chop carrot, onion, potato, parsley and celery and put them in cold water with a pinch of salt to make a tasty vegetable broth. Add to the broth about a third of the butternut squash in slices, which will help to give a stronger taste to your risotto.


  • Chop a second onion and the remaining butternut squash. Put them in a pan with some oil over a low heat until the onion gets golden.
  • At this point, raise the heat and pour the rice, which we will toast quickly.
  • Add some white wine, and once it has evaporated add a ladle of broth and stir occasionally during the cooking process. Don’t forget to add constantly more broth a little at a time and only when the previous one has been completely absorbed and evaporated.
  • Meanwhile, put the butternut squash that you have already cooked in the broth in another bowl with some oil and cook it until it gets creamy.


  • When the rice is almost ready, add the cream of butternut squash and some chopped parsley.
  • Remove from heat, add the Gorgonzola cheese cut in small pieces, sprinkle with black pepper and grated Parmesan.
  • Finally, it ‘s time to check if salt and texture are right.
  • Leave your risotto in the bowl to rest for some minutes: this will give it the perfect texture.

Butternut Squash Risotto with Gorgonzola Recipe Variation

A delicious variation of this plate is risotto with buttternut squash, Gorgonzola and roasted pecans. Just add some grounded roasted pecans before serving.
