

Ingredients :: for 6-8 people:

Sponge cake

  • 6 eggs
  • sugar 250g
  • potato starch (or cornstarch) 75 gr
  • 00 flour 75 gr
  • 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
  • a pinch of salt.


  • Butter 200g
  • icing sugar 180g
  • 1 cup of strong coffee
  • ½ glass of dry liquor
  • sponge cake (see recipe) 500g
  • cocoa powder 25 g
  • Marsala wine (for dipping)
  • 4 biscuits
  • 3 amaretti cookies.


Sponge cake

  1. Divide the egg yolks from the whites and the latter fitted with a whisk metal and stiff peaks form together with a pinch of salt.
  2. Whip the egg yolks with the sugar until light and fluffy will be.
  3. At this point add the flour, vanilla, potato starch and gradually the egg whites, stirring gently with a movement from top to bottom.
  4. Pour into a baking pan lined with baking paper and bake in preheated oven at 180 degrees for about 30 minutes then let cool and baked.



  1. Pound in a mortar amaretti and cookies until a fine powder then mix 30 grams of powdered sugar;
  2. Divide the sponge cake into 6 discs that will be big and round as the cake pan.
  3. In a large bowl mix the butter with a wooden spoon and soon will be softened, add the remaining sugar. Continue to work and after a while, add the coffee by adding a tablespoon at a time, and liquor.
  4. Divide the cream prepared in two equal parts and, in one of the two, add the cocoa powder and mix well.
  5. Take the round pan and line with cling film, then line the bottom with a disc of sponge cake that spread with Marsala wine.
  6. Now spread over cocoa cream (using 1/3). Cover with a second disc, brush again with the Marsala and spread over half of the coffee cream (leaving aside two tablespoons to final cover); add another disk and still Marsala and cocoa cream thus continuing until all the ingredients and finish with the last disc of sponge cake.
  7. Place a weight on top and refrigerate for about 3 hours.
  8. After this time, remove the cake from the refrigerator and spill on a serving dish, sprinkle with cream aside and sprinkle with the chopped prepared cookies.
  9. Put back in the fridge and remove it before serving.