Simple Easter Bread Recipe – Chef John – Food Wishes

Simple Easter Bread Recipe 

Chef John – Food Wishes



Pugliese Easter Bread

I fondly remember Easter and the way it was. All of my family emigrated here from southern Italy back in the early part of the twentieth Century. They were from Calabria, Basilicata and Benevento. Three distinct areas in Italy with different dialects and somewhat different traditions and recipes.

Easter Bread from Southern Italy

This post features a simple way of making Easter Bread from Chef John of Food Wishes. His recipes are always good and usually very easy to make. This one is no exception.  

Another version of Southern Italian Easter Bread

This recipe is not as elaborate as many of the others that we share but you can add colored hard boiled eggs or other decorations as you like. We just thought that everyone is so busy any more that simple will get it done. So take a look at this one and Buona Pasqua! Have a nice Easter. Hopefully you will Enjoy this recipe from Chef John.

Buona Pasqua


Easter Bread

In Florence, Italy, the unique custom of the Scoppio del carro is observed. A holy fire is lit from stone shards from the Holy Sepulchre. This is used to light a fire during the singing of the Gloria of the Easter Sunday mass  which is used to ignite a rocket in the form of a dove. The dove represents peace and the holy spirit. This in turn lights a cart containing pyrotechnics in the small square before the Cathedral.


Easter Bread created in a ring


Since its origins, Easter has been a time of celebration and feasting and many traditional Easter games and customs developed, such as egg rollingegg tappingpace eggingcascarones or confetti eggs, and egg decorating.

Making traditional Calabrian Easter Bread with a hard boiled egg

Today Easter is commercially important, seeing wide sales of greeting cards and confectionery such as chocolate Easter eggs as well as other Easter foods. Even many non-Christians celebrate these features of the holiday while ignoring the religious aspects.


Easter Bread with colored eggs from Southern Italy



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