Sweet Yellow Squash Pickles

Sweet Yellow Squash Pickles

Yield: 6-8


  • 3 to 3½ pounds tender young straight-neck yellow squash, trimmed, scrubbed, and sliced ¼ inch thick (you will need 12 cups sliced squash)

  • 4 to 4½ pounds silverskin onions, peeled and thinly sliced (you’ll need 12 cups sliced onions)

  • ½ cup pickling salt

  • 6 cups (1½ quarts) crushed ice

  • 3½ cups sugar

  • 2 cups (1 pint) white (distilled) vinegar

  • 2 cups (1 pint) cider vinegar

  • 2 teaspoons mustard seeds

  • 1¾ teaspoons celery seeds

  • 1¾ teaspoons ground turmeric



For best results, use small straight-neck squash; they slice more neatly than crooknecks.

  • Layer the sliced squash and onions in a very large nonreactive bowl, sprinkling each layer with salt. Pile the ice on top, set the bowl in the sink, and let stand for 3 hours.
  • Drain the squash and onions, transfer to a very large colander, and rinse under the cold tap. Drain well, then, using the bowl of a ladle, press out as much liquid as possible.
  • Wash and rinse 8 one-pint preserving jars and their closures and submerge in a large kettle of boiling water.
  • Bring the sugar, white and cider vinegars, mustard and celery seeds, and turmeric to a rolling boil in a large nonreactive kettle. Add the squash and onions and, stirring gently, return to the boil.
  • Lift the preserving jars from the boiling water one by one. Pack with pickles, making sure they are submerged in the pickling liquid and leaving ¼ inch head space at the top of the jar. Tip: To avoid spills, use a wide-mouth canning funnel. Run a thin-blade spatula around the inside of the jar to release air bubbles; wipe the jar rim with a clean, damp cloth, then screw on the closure. Repeat until all jars are filled.
  • Process the jars for 10 minutes in a boiling water bath (212° F.). Lift from the water bath; complete the seals, if necessary, by tightening the lids, then cool to room temperature.
  • Date and label each jar, then store on a cool, dark shelf several weeks before opening.