Trippa alla Romana – Unique and Delicious

“Trippa alla Romana”

Roman Tripe

Tripe or “Trippa” remains a popular dish in many parts of continental Europe especially France and Italy. 

Trippa alla Romana in Italy is done with white wine and tomatoes

Did you know that In fact Tripe is the main ingredient in Philadelphia’s famous pepper pot soup from the American Revolutionary period?

Also known as Tripe Soup with Peppercorns

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Unique and Delicious Recipe

From Wikipedia

Little Known Facts

  • Trippa di Moncalieri — in Moncalieri city/Piedmont/Italy (tripe sausage, that could be served in thin slices with few drops of olive oil, minced parsley, garlic and a pinch of black pepper, or used mainly for trippa alla Savoiarda recipe)

  • Trippa alla fiorentina — in Italy (fried with tomatoes and other vegetables)

  • Trippa alla Pisana – in Pisa, Italy: onion, celery, carrot, garlic fried in oil, with tomatoes and pancetta or guanciale, topped with parmigiano cheese

  • Trippa alla Romana — in Italy (done with white wine and tomatoes)

  • Trippa alla Savoiarda — in Piedmont/Italy (stewed with vegetables, white wine, sauce from roasted beef and served covered with grated Parmigiano Reggiano/Grana Padano cheese)

  • Trippe alla Veneta (Veneto, Northeast Italy)

Beef tripe is usually made from only the first three chambers of a cow’s stomach.

Tripe may also be produced from any animal with a stomach. In some cases other names have been applied to the ‘tripe’ of other animals.

Washed tripe is more typically known as dressed tripe. To dress the tripe the stomachs are cleaned and the fat trimmed off. It is then boiled and bleached giving it the white color more commonly associated with tripe as seen on market stalls and in butchers shops. The task of dressing the tripe is usually carried out by a professional tripe dresser.

Dressed tripe was a popular nutritious and cheap dish for the British working classes from Victorian times up until the latter half of the 20th century. While still popular in many parts of the world today, the number of tripe eaters, and consequently the number of tripe dressers, in the UK has rapidly declined. Tripe has come to be regarded as a mere pet food as the increased affluence of post war Britain has reduced the appeal of this once staple food.