Beans cream with sausage

Ingredients for 4 people:
2 cans of “cannellini” beans
3 sausages flavored with fennel seeds
4 slices of cheese Hemmenthal
olive oil
6 sage leaves
salt, pepper.
In a pan put a little oil to cook the sausages over low heat with the lid and turning them often for about 25 minutes.
Meanwhile, drain the beans and pass them to the mill by collecting the pulp in a saucepan, then add 4 tablespoons of the cooking liquid of sausages and heat over low heat. Season with salt, add 2 chopped sage leaves and cook for another 5 minutes.
Put the sausages just cooked in a pot and chop coarsely, then pour the soup beans in individual dishes, lie down on a slice of cheese Hemmenthal and some bits of crumbled sausage. Drizzle with a little more gravy sausages, sprinkle with pepper and decorated with a leaf of fresh sage.