Champagne risotto – Simple, Easy, and Delicious

Champagne risotto – Italian Recipe

Risotto is a classic Italian dish made with rice, butter, and wine.  It is usually served as a first course in Italy; however it can be combined with other ingredients to become a main course.  This is a very easy, quick, and delicious recipe.  Watch the video below to watch how to make risotto.

Champagne Risotto
• ½ onion
• Just under 2 cups (350 g) of Carnaroli rice
• 1 cup (100 g) of grated Parmesan cheese
• 3 ½ tbsp (50 g) of butter • Vegetable broth
• salt
• 2 tbsp of extra virgin olive oil
• 1 bottle of champagne

In a saucepan melt the butter with the oil, add the onion and brown it on a very low flame. Now add the rice and let it toast for a few minutes.

It’s time to add the champagne, little by little… until the bottle is over and the rice is cooked. If the champagne is not enough, use the vegetable broth to finish cooking.

The rice is cooked al dente, after half of the cooking time I added salt and now we can cream it with the parmesan cheese. Stir and let it rest for a few minutes.

Hope you enjoy!

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