Drowned Veal

Drowned Veal

(Vitello Affogato)

Serves: 4

Prep: 15 minutes

Cook: About 1 hour


3 Fresh Garlic Cloves

3 Tbsp. Olive oil

8 Veal Cutlets (Can substitute Chicken Breast) – pound thin

1/2 Cup Dry White Wine

1 Tbsp. Porcini Powder (optional)

1/2 lb. Sliced Wild Mushrooms – any combination

1 Tbsp. Fresh Thyme leaves – chopped

1 Tbsp. Fresh Sage Leaves – chopped

1 14 oz. Can Chopped tomatoes

1 Tsp. Tomato Paste

Salt and Pepper to taste.


Lightly saute garlic cloves in oil for just a minute

Brown veal cutlets in this same oil for just a few minutes – just brown quickly on each side.

Add the wine and porcini powder if using it and cook at a strong simmer for another minute.

Add the mushrooms, thyme, sage, tomatoes and paste.

Stir well to combine – then cover and simmer on low for about 45 minutes. The sauce should thicken. Add a little water if too thick.

Taste for seasoning and add salt and pepper as needed

Remove the garlic cloves before serving.

Garnish with fresh sage leaves.