Italian Bow Tie Cookies – “Frappe” Written Recipe

Italian Bow Tie Cookies


Written Recipe




Frappe or Cioffe are traditional Carnevale Italian bow tie cookies, for lack of a better name. The fried, slightly sweetened dough turns as light as angel wings, and tastes just as heavenly, especially with a dusting of powdered sugar!



Frappe or Cioffe: Bows and Ribbons of Fried Sweetened Dough


A very traditional Italian treat known by lots of different names in Italy. Typically made for Carnevale and Christmas.


Depending from where one’s Italian family originates, and what that family named them, they can be called: frappe, cioffe, cenci, chiacchiere, bugie, crostoli, galani and so many other names.



Prep Time 30 minutes

Cook Time 10 minutes

Total Time 40 minutes


  • 3 large eggs

  • 1/4 cup (2 oz) sugar

  • 1/4 cup (2 oz) Scotch whisky (or any similar, clear liquor)

  • 1/4 tsp salt

  • 2 3/4 cups (12 oz) flour

  • oil for frying

  • powdered (confectioner’s) sugar for dusting


  1. Using a stand mixer, place eggs, sugar, salt, and whisky in a large bowl and mix for two minutes or so (if making by hand, combine the ingredients, and stir well with a wooden spoon.)

  2. Add one cup (in UK, just use a regular cup-no need to measure) of flour and mix well.

  3. Add the remaining flour and mix until a slightly sticky dough forms.

  4. With hands, shape dough into a ball and refrigerate, covered, for about an hour.

  5. Remove from fridge and cut dough in half and roll out one piece very thinly, on floured workspace.

  6. Dough will be elastic, but re-roll it if it gets too thick. Using a knife or cutter to cut into strips. Use a pasta rolling machine if you have one.

  7. Cut a strip: no size is right or wrong, but about 6 or 7 inches is a good size. Make a little cut towards one end. Now place the opposite end through that slit, and pull through to make a ribbon shape. Repeat, until all of dough is used.

  8. Meanwhile, heat some oil in a pot or deep fryer (I use a wok) until hot. Before dropping the pastry in the oil, pull and stretch each one, so that it is thinner (as they shrink after being shaped) then begin frying the pastries until puffed and light brown on each side.

  9. Remove with strainer and place on a paper towel lined plate to cool.

  10. When cool, sprinkle with powdered sugar (or decorate with icing, or honey.)
