Sunday Gravy / Sauce – with Italian Grandma’ Gina

Italian Grandma Gina

Making Sunday Gravy / Sauce



Sunday Gravy or Sauce depending on where you’re from is one of the most memorable things that we recall especially as children of Italian immigrants. Every Sunday included going to Mass and then returning to Mom or Grandmom’s Sunday Gravy or again Sauce depending on how you grew up. In our house it was both depending on the day.

Sunday Gravy

Making Sunday Gravy would start first thing in the morning and usually included rolling & frying the meatballs. Who doesn’t have the memory being given the proverbial meatball on a fork as they came out of the hot frying pan? What a memory. 


Meatballs on a fork


Sunday Gravy


Sadly for those of us that didn’t grow up that way it is difficult to explain the emotions that come back so strong as we can recall that phenomenon. Memories of our mothers or Grandmothers in the kitchen. Usually coffee on the stove. Biscotti in the center of the table or sometimes dough rolled out ready to make the homemade spaghetti or ravioli. I can see it now with the kitchen towels, small glass of water so the dough wouldn’t stick, a rolling pin and the hand crank spaghetti machine that we used to press and cut the dough. 



Sunday Gravy


But it all centered around the sauce that was

made fresh that day. Most of us would give our left arm to be able to return to those days at least for another Sunday. 


Making Sunday Gravy / Sauce

Enjoy the video below with Grandma’ Gina as we revisit Making Sunday Gravy / Sauce in her most beautiful broken english. 

Then Join Dominic and Frank at Everybody Loves Italian on Facebook as we forever celebrate Life, Love and the Italian Experience.  

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