Italian Stuffed Peppers – Chef Pasquale (Adorable Broken English)

Italian Stuffed Peppers

Chef Pasquale

(Adorable Broken English)



Broken English Spoken Here


Stuffed Peppers

Italian Stuffed Peppers

One of my favorite things that mom used to make was Stuffed Peppers. OMG I can taste them now. She would have me go out to the garden and pick a half dozen or more of those beautiful vegetables. Then I would watch or help her prepare the stuffing. Makes my mouth water just thinking about it.

Stuffed Peppers or Capsicum


In fact visually they were tasty if that makes any sense. In fact I better stop writing and thinking about this because the more I do the hungrier I get. This is just another of those wonderful recipes from back in the day that makes me thank God for our Mothers and the wonderful things they made for us growing up. Thanks Mom and Thanks to Chef Pasquale for sharing his method for making Stuffed Peppers.

Chef Pasquale



Stuffed peppers is a dish that exists in different names and forms around the world. It consists of hollowed or halved peppers (typically bell peppers), filled with any of a variety of fillings, often including meat, vegetables, cheese, rice, or sauce. They are usually assembled by filling the cavities of the peppers and then cooking.



preparing stuffed peppers

Stuffed peppers in Italian cuisine is a dish where bell peppers (often the green, yellow, and red varieties) are typically filled with a stuffing such as ground beef, mixed with bread crumbs or cooked riceeggsherbs, and spices (especially paprika and parsley) and cheese.

Preparing peppers or Capsicum for stuffing

Recipes vary but often include the removal of the seeds of the pepper, boiling them, stuffing them, covering them with cheese, and baking or alternatively cooking them on the stove top at a slow simmer in canned tomato sauce until the peppers are soft. A sauce may be served with them, usually a tomato sauce, but this, too, varies greatly depending on the region.




Stuffed Peppers – YUM