Italian Thanksgiving Stuffing – Italian Grandma Gina

Italian Thanksgiving Stuffing

Italian Grandma Gina



Its never too early to begin thinking about the holidays, they are upon us so quickly. This piece by Grandma Gina in her lovely broken English is pretty timely I feel. Thanksgiving is around the corner and maybe you may enjoy another Grandmother’s approach to Thanksgiving stuffing. Gina always seems to have something unique and delicious to offer. 

I personally have many wonderful memories associated with


Italian Grandma Gina


Thanksgiving. My mother absolutely loved Thanksgiving because for one much of her family would join us that day. She was so involved with that holiday that Dad actually built a room on the side of the house just for Thanksgiving. Of course we used it for other things but the original reason was for Thanksgiving. 

Delicious Turkey


The days before in preparation, the actual day of when everyone came to the house, all of the wonderful Italian foods that began and ended after the Turkey. My American friends couldn’t understand our approach to Thanksgiving. We would start out with soup, usually escarole followed by a pasta usually manicotti. Then that would be followed by the Turkey, Stuffing and all the trimmings. After which followed the deserts… OMG how many deserts. Then nuts on the table and don’t forget the Thanksgiving punch that Dad used to make. And the wine. No Thanksgiving was complete without some homemade red wine.



Thanksgiving Stuffing


But for me when it came to the turkey I really enjoyed the stuffing more than the turkey itself. I can taste it now as I recall. Combined with the mashed potatoes which we rarely had under normal circumstances this was really comfort food. In fact now that I mention it I can’t wait for Thanksgiving. My mouth is watering.


Hope you enjoy this wonderful Thanksgiving Stuffing recipe from Grandma Gina… I know We will…. !