Potato and Anchovy Salad

Potato and Anchovy Salad


Serves 2-3.

  • 4 large potatoes
  • 4 cloves garlic
  • 4 anchovy filets
  • 1 teaspoon dried oregano
  • 1/4 cup capers
  • 1/2 cup chopped parsley
  • Extra virgin olive oil as needed
  • Ground black pepper


  1. Mince the garlic, capers and anchovies.
  2. Chop the parsley.
  3. Place the ingredients in a small bowl and add oregano.
  4. Bathe the mixture in olive oil and set aside.
  5. Wash and peel the potatoes and place them in a pot of boiling salted water over moderate heat for 15-20 minutes or until thoroughly cooked, but still firm. When they are done, rinse the potatoes in cold water, then strain and pat dry with a towel.
  6. Slice the potatoes in half lengthwise, then into 1/2 inch pieces and put them in a large mixing bowl.
  7. Pour the mixture of garlic, capers, anchovies and parsley over the potatoes, add a few twists of ground black pepper, then toss the salad.
  8. Drizzle more olive oil on the salad if desired.