Prep: 15 minutes


Serves: 4

3 Medium – Large Yukon Gold Potatoes – cooked, skins left on

About 3 Tbsp. Olive Oil

1 Clove Fresh Garlic – chopped finely

6 Campari Tomatoes, quartered

1/2 Sweet Onion sliced

Handful of fresh basil leaves

Pinch of Red Pepper flakes (optional)


Clean and cook your potatoes first. If you really want to save time – microwave the potatoes. You want them fork tender.

Then chop them into large chunky pieces.

Cook the garlic, tomatoes, onion, and basil in olive oil on medium high for about 6 minutes until onion is tender.

Add the potatoes and toss in pan. Let cook through another minute.

Add salt and pepper to taste.

Garnish with fresh Basil leaves and drizzle with some Extra Virgin Olive Oil.

If you have the time, and want to be more creative with another blast of color, add some yellow and green peppers to the pan with the onions and tomatoes.