Pumpkin and ricotta cakes

Pumpkin and ricotta cakes

Servings         12


   7 oz pumpkin puree

    8 egg whites

    9 oz fresh ricotta cheese

    4 tabsp grated Parmesan

    1 pinch grated nutmeg

    to taste salt and pepper

    to taste mixed seeds


    Mix very well pumpkin puree, ricotta cheese, Parmesan, nutmeg, salt and pepper. In a separate bowl beat egg whites with an extra pinch of salt until white and fluffy.

    Add the pumpkin mixture to egg whites, mix folding gently until well combined.

    Pour mixture into a muffin tin, you should end up with 12-14 cakes. Sprinkle every cake with mixed seeds.

    Bake at 356°F for 25-30 minutes, serve cold or room temperature

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