Sciatt (Cheese fritters)

Sciatt (Cheese fritters)

from province of Sondrio, easy to prepare and good

Ingredients For 6 people:

Buckwheat flour 300 gr
white flour 150g
Alpe cheese 200g
a glass of Grappa
lard (for frying)
sparkling mineral water


Cut the cheese into cubes not too small, and put it to soak in the Grappa.
Mix flour with water to prepare the batter, then add salt, stir well and let stand for at least 2 hours covered with a bowl.
Apart melt the lard in a pan and when hot and steaming pour in, the batter by spoonfuls, to which you added the diced cheese and mix well.
Let them brown, turning them a few times, then drain them and put them to dry on a paper towel.
Serve hot.