Stuffed peaches

Stuffed peaches

From Lombardy an unparalleled delight! Delicious!

Ingredients for 6 people:

6 peaches

6 almonds

6 amaretti

1 glass of dry white wine

1 tablespoon of Amaretto di Saronno


finely chopped candied fruit 30 gr.


Blanch almonds for a few minutes in boiling water and remove the skin.

Cut the peaches in half by removing the core and a bit ‘of flesh that you are going to chop along with amaretti, candied fruit and almonds in a food processor (or mortar).

Sprinkle the chopped prepared with the liqueur and mix well then, fill the peach halves with the mixture and place in a baking dish, drizzle with white wine and sprinkle with sugar.

Put in a preheated oven at 180 ° C for 20 minutes.

Serve hot.