Italian Discussion with Bisnonna – PRICELESS & ADORABLE

Italian Discussion with Bisnonna

 Great Grandmother & Great Grand Daughter

Priceless & Adorable 


In Italian Bisnonna means Great Grandmother. 

This is truly one of a kind video that features a “discussion” between a Sicilian Great Grandmother and her Great Grand Daughter. While most of the time we don’t even have the good fortune to meet our Great Grandparents in this piece the little girl actually is old enough to hold a conversation. A conversation that could only be Italian or Sicilian in nature. 


I find this video particularly heartwarming because it brings to mind my own Italian Great Grandmother Annunziata who came here from Italy in the late 1800’s. My memories of her have to do with food. She would make ravioli and I was allowed to be the fork guy. At probably 6 years old Great Grandmom would let me knit the edges of the ravioli with a fork. What a great memory. I wish she was still here. It would be wonderful to be able to ask her questions about her life. 


This video is particularly cute in that the little girl is so animated for such a young kid. It even looks like she can hold her own disagreeing with her Great Grandmother. Absolutely Adorable.



I first saw this video a few years ago and must have watched it a dozen times in a row. I just couldn’t stop watching it. Mesmerized at how accomplished the little girl was as she spoke. And passionate too. Does my heart good every time I see it. Look at her hand gestures and how involved she is in the give and take. 


As I said this could only Italian when you watch how the conversation unfolds with all of the ear marks of Italians when we try to make a point. Just a priceless piece. Whether you have seen this before or not take a moment and watch.  It will make your day. Just too cute.