Stuffed Vegetables

 Stuffed Vegetables

 Stuffed Vegetables

Fully ripened tomatoes,

Small to medium-sized onions,

Small eggplants 4 – 6 inches in length.

For the stuffing

2 – 3 tbsp of bread crumbs per vegetable half

 1 tsp of freshly chopped parsley per vegetable

1 – 2  garlic cloves, minced, depending upon the number of vegetables used

salt & pepper, to taste

extra virgin olive oil to fully moisten the mixture. It should not be sopping or dripping wet.


Pre-heat oven to 400*. Remove a thin slice off of the top & bottom of each onion. This will allow them to “sit” without rolling while roasting. Halve each onion, score the cut side with a sharp knife, and brush lightly with olive oil. Season with salt & pepper and roast in the oven for 20 minutes.

Meanwhile, create the bread topping. Combine bread crumbs, parsley, garlic, salt & pepper, and olive oil.

Halve the tomatoes and gently squeeze each half to remove some liquid and the seeds. Add the liquid and “tomato caviar” to the bread crumb mixture.

Halve the eggplants, lengthwise, and use a knife to score the cut side a few times.

Use a pastry brush to coat the cut sides of the eggplants & tomatoes with olive oil and then season with salt & pepper.

By now the onions should be about ready to be removed from the oven.

Place all the halved vegetables on a lightly oiled baking sheet or dish and season with salt & pepper.

Reset the oven temperature to 350*

Cover the top of each vegetable half with the bread crumb mixture. When finished, drizzle lightly with olive oil and bake in a 350* oven for 40 – 45 minutes.

Serve immediately.