Trenette with  Zucchini Blossoms & Cream Recipe

Trenette with  Zucchini Blossoms & Cream Recipe


  • 8 oz trenette pasta cooked about a minute shy of al dente (see Notes) – linguine, fettuccine, or tagliatelle may be substituted

  • olive oil

  • 2 oz pancetta – guanciale or unsmoked bacon can be substituted

  • 1 shallot, diced

  • 6 zucchini blossoms, cleaned and halved lengthwise – more or less to taste and availability (sigh)

  • 3 to 4 ounces of heavy cream, depending upon the amount of pasta being prepared

  • grated Pecorino Romano cheese — Parmigiano Reggiano may be substituted

  • reserved pasta water

  • salt and pepper, to taste

  • torn fresh basil leaves for garnish


  1. In a large frypan, heat a little olive oil over medium heat. When hot, add the pancetta and sauté.

  2. Once the fat has rendered and before the pancetta hardens, add the shallots and sauté until soft. If the pan is dry, add a bit more olive oil. (See Notes)

  3. Add the halved zucchini blossoms and continue to sauté for 1 to 2 minutes.

  4. Add the heavy cream and allow to reduce just a bit before adding the cooked pasta.

  5. Add 2 tablespoons of grated cheese, stir gently, and continue to cook until the pasta is al dente. If too dry, add a little pasta water to moisten the pan’s contents.

  6. Taste to see if salt or pepper is needed.

  7. Remove to a serving platter, garnished with grated cheese, torn basil leaves, and freshly cracked pepper.

  8. Serve immediately, dreaming of the day when you’ll no longer need to buy zucchini blossoms. (Maybe that’s just me.)


Like most simple pasta dishes, the secret lies in the timing. Try to have the pasta cooked just shy of al dente when the zucchini blossom mixture is just about fully cooked. Remember to check package directions when using store-bought pasta. If using freshly made, allow about 3 minutes for cooking.