Walnut Butter Cookies

Walnut Butter Cookies

This recipe will make approximately six dozen Walnut Cookies. Just dust them with powdered sugar and enjoy.


  • 1 pound of butter, softened

  • 4 cups of all purpose flour

  • 3/4 cup of powdered sugar

  • 2 tsps of vanilla

  • 2 Tbls of water

  • 1/2 tsp of salt

  • 8 to 12oz of chopped walnuts

  • Extra powdered sugar for dusting.


  • Pre-heat the oven to 350 degrees

  • Using a wooden spoon, mix together the butter, flour, powdered sugar, vanilla, water and salt in a large mixing bowl

  • Mix together until the mixture forms a doughy consistency. If the dough if too sticky to handle just add a little more flour.

  • Add the walnuts.

  • Pinch the dough and roll it in long shape about the size of you finger.

  • Curve into a crescent shape and place on a buttered cookie sheet.

  • Bake for 12 to 14 minutes.

  • Let the cookies cool before dusting them with powdered sugar.

    Makes approximately 6 dozen cookies.
