Apple and Sweet Wine Cake

Apple and Sweet Wine Cake


For the Cake:

4 apples
1/4 pint (150 ml) sweet red wine
3 large eggs
4 oz (100 grams) superfine sugar
1/4 pint (150 ml) sunflower oil
1 tablespoon (15 ml) vanilla extract
8 oz (200 grams) self-raising flour
2 tablespoons (30 ml) ground cinnamon

For the Topping:
2 oz (50 grams) whole blanched almonds
2 oz (50 grams) superfine sugar


Prepare the Cake:

Grease and line a deep 10 inch (25 cm) loose-bottomed cake tin.

Peel and slice the apples, put in a bowl, pour over the wine and leave for about 20 minutes.

Preheat the oven to 350° F (180° C).

Whisk together the eggs and sugar until thick and creamy.

Gradually whisk in the oil and vanilla extract.

Fold in the flour, one tablespoon at a time and, finally, add the apple and wine mixture and 1 tablespoon (15 ml) of the cinnamon.

Stir gently until well mixed.

Pour into the prepared tin and bake in the oven for one hour until firm to the touch.

Prepare the Topping:

Roughly chop the almonds and mix together with the sugar and remaining cinnamon.

Sprinkle over the top of the cake as soon as it is cooked.

Remove from the tin and leave to cool. Serves 8 to 10.